Wednesday 3 February 2016

Filming Evaluation: Day one, 23rd December

1st day of filming

On the 23rd of December we did our first day of filming in the garage where the killer's lair was. This included the scene where the victim is tied up and investigates the room, discovering small information about the killer. When first arriving at the garage we set up the killer's lair first. Originally the garage was quite messy, our first task was to move objects out of the way of the area that we wanted to film in. In the garage already there was a table full of gardening products, we put these to use by putting some of them in the scene as they fit with the them of a rouge killer, this included a spade, knives and an axe. We placed them on the table where the camera would focus on when the killer came in. We then put our mis-en-scene in the room, we already had them prepared. Lucy brought a  heart in a jar that was placed on the killer's table and missing posters suggesting that the dead bodies are victims that have gone missing in the past. 

Once the room was set up we began with make up. We had originally thought it would be a small task, however it took longer than expected as Lucy was the only one who knew how to do the make-up, she also had to do her own make-up on her arm. We had limited time in the garage and putting on our make-up cut into the time, this meant we had to hurry up with filming which caused us to rush it. It was a cold day as well, and because the actors playing in the opening had to wear non-warming clothing, with bare feet we kept having to stop in order to warm up. Our timing was not well managed.

A problem we encountered that we only realised during the editing process was that Lucy kept moving in and out of shots. As she was one of the dead victim's in the corner she has to stay there during the other shots to show continuity. However, because there was only three of us on filming day and all three of us were in the opening, Lucy mistakenly had to get up in order to film shots between me and Olivia and was no longer there in background shots and we would have to re-film on a later date.

Because of the change in location our storyboard had planned for us to be in a basement and a lot of our plans had been made around the location (ie. in the original plan to be in a basement, the basement had a corner where the Killer would be throughout the scene. However but because of the small scale of the garage, the killer would have to come in half way through the scene rather than be hiding in the corner) This meant on filming day we had to change some of our ideas to suit the size and scale of the garage. 

A problem we encountered was the lighting. Because it was a one switch light in the garage, would couldn't dim the lighting. This made some of our shots too bright for a horror film location set in the killer's lair as it didn't suit the horror/slasher convention. We decided that during the editing process that we would have to change the colour on there as there was no way to do it during filming. 

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