Wednesday 3 February 2016

Filming Evaluation: Day two, 28th December

2nd day of filming

For our second day of filming we need the outside chase scene between the killer and the victim. Our options for filming was in a forest/woods or a field as it would be appropriate for genre fitting in with the conventions of a horror/slasher of a sense of isolation and distance from anyone else who can help. As Olivia lived near a field we decided to shoot there. 

When filming, we had to take into consideration the time of the year as it was in December meaning it became darker quicker. We decided to do it at 2-4pm giving us plenty of time to film and leave before the continuity of the scene was ruined as it could have gone dark in some shots and light in the other which wouldn't have made sense as the scene was meant to last 30 seconds in real time. Luckily we filmed quite quickly as a lot of our shots were fast paced and instead of taking our time getting slow paced shots right we could do small quick ones. Because of the fast pace of the shots we did't need to bring a tripod. This was because we wanted the shots to look more chaotic as the chase proceeded as it lead to the victims death. Using hand-held camera gave us the shaky camera effects we wanted. 

 Because of the December weather, the ground was muddy. As in the previous garage scene our character had their shoes off, in order to stay continuous the character had to take their shoes off when running. This caused many incidents of slipping over and upon reviewing the shots a lot of them looked as if the actor was struggling to run and would have to be re-filmed on a drier day.

Overall the day was a success, other than slight things that were out of our control (the weather) we did the best we could and managed to finish efficiently with good footage to use.

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