Tuesday 2 February 2016

Filming Evaluation: Make Up

I was responsible for make-up when we were filming. I used the methods I had previously learnt about making a fake wound and used my own skills to create the bruised and dirty look on myself and Kelsey's face.

I did Kelsey's make up and used fake blood and eye shadow to make the wound on her face.
put pale powder all over her face to make her pale and then used grey and black eye shadow randomly around her face to make it look like she'd been made dirty somehow.
On the first day of filming, I did a fake wound on my arm but it didn't turn out very well. It was really cold so the glue was drying slowly and it ended up looking extremely unrealistic. I also put too many dark colours in which makes it look even more unrealistic. Although it doesn't actually matter that much because I am only a dead person and my arm isn't shown very close up so it would have been alright to show it if we hadn't had to refilm.
When we re-filmed the scene I changed the placing and style of the wound, I did the wound on my stomach so that it would be more visible in the shot than one on my arm and it also implies how I was killed. The cut looked a lot better because I didn't put any dark eyeshadow on it and just put a lot of fake blood on the tissue.

I also did a cut on my face which I made using liquid eyeliner and fake blood. I hadn't practiced it but I think it looks really realistic and turned out really well. However, I only did it the first time we filmed and forgot the second time which is a shame because it looked good.

If I had to do this again, I would definitely do a practice beforehand on doing fake cuts on people's faces because I hadn't done it on Kelsey's face before and so it may have looked better if I had practiced. However, I think that the make up went really well and in the scene it looks quite realistic but I think Kelsey's face needed more fake blood on it and possibly more cuts to make it seem more dramatic.

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