Thursday 25 February 2016

Se7en Timeline

00:03 The film ‘Se7en’ begins with a quick shot of pages turning. Already, the audience is left in confusion as to what is happening; this is only the beginning of the psychological horror. The opening shot also shows the company that produced this film, small on the screen so you can focus on the screen details. Throughout this opening scene, there is a constant eerie sound that could be considered music, yet it repeats the same notes. From this shot in particular, we cannot read much information but we can see that maybe the book is there as the person is researching into what he wants to do.

00:10 The next shot shows who the film is made by, and usually this is a big deal, because they are responsible for bringing the vision of the script to life on the big screen, and you want someone good, someone who people know and has a good record of films. What this shot has in it is a pair of drawn hands, so it brings the question as to why there are drawn hands in such detail. One possibility is that it is there to show it’s a surgery book and shows the nerves in hands? It adds to the list of questions in this thriller.

00:12 The next shot is a close up of a razor, it’s purpose is unknown but we can only presume it is for violence. More evidence for this comes in the next few shots, but this raises eyebrows in questioning as to why he may be doing this. What this makes us feel is a sense of uncomfortableness with the music as well as the mystery of what is happening.

00:13This shot shows us who the cast is in the film, and when a film has a cast of good and well known characters they usually become more popular and make more money.

00:15 The next shot things become more disturbing as the eerie noises become more high pitched as you see a quick second glimpse of the unknown man using a razor blade to slice off his fingertips, disturbing the audience on what he is planning, and maybe making them squeamish at the sight.

00:16 The next shot is an extreme close up of a razor blade. It is only a quick shot, so we have to pause it to see what is happening, but when we do we can see his fingers, and it might imply that he has taken off his fingertips, and never washes his hands and does not care for his physical appearance like most psychopaths. I think this is done well, it makes you think and can disturb audiences.

00:18 This shot shows us another one of the cast is in the film, and when a film has a cast of good and well known characters they usually become more popular and make more money.

00:24 This is the film title. It shows the name of the film and the way it is done is in a series of jump cuts and the words move and flash at you whilst the eerie noises continue.

00:29 This is another shot in the opening credits to show who the cast is, another famous actress.

00:34 This is another actor so people know who is in the film.

00:39 This shot shows a piece of film being cut. There is no reason that the audience could think of as for why, but if you look closely you can see some sort of written book, implying he is scrap booking his crimes. This is effective as it is a record of his mind, and who he thinks he is.

00:40 The next shot is darker, and shows the scissors again but this time cutting a picture and putting it into a journal of some sort. His fingers are plastered showing that he may have done something to them, confirming his removal of fingers.

00:43 The shot is continued with more pictures of what at first glance appears to be dead children photographed in black and white and now being placed within the messy and horribly done scrapbook of a supposed psychopath.
00:59 In this shot we see his handwriting, and how jumbled and messy it is. He begins to cross out words, but it is unknown as to what this word is because it is hard to read, especially upside down.
01:01 The character, known to be male because of his hands is now looking at ‘When you’re pregnant’ books. This may add question as to who the character wants to be, like Buffalo Bill from ‘Silence of the Lambs’.

01:08 These words if you look closely seem to be referring to sexuality and sex, as that is what some words show.

01:10 This gives credit to the casting directors, the people who chose who would be in the film. But the shot also includes a pen crossing out the eyes of a picture, and when that usually happens that is to show their identity or nothing, or that they will be killed.

01:18 This shot does not show much with what is in the scene apart from the words which shows the person who did the music for the film. If it is a famous composer then the film may make more money off of the soundtrack because they like the songs used. For instance; the composer Hans Zimmer is famous for his amazing work with ‘Interstellar’ and ‘The Dark Knight Trilogy’.

01:33 This shot is something for the more easily disturbed people, since this is a type of horror they must have some scenes which gross out the audience, and this one will do just that with a metal pole digging into a man’s skull as a form of old surgery, adding to the audience’s curiosity as to just what is happening.

01:45 Producers usually get an opening credits slot since they had an involvement in the film’s production.

01:50 This shot shows the mysterious man now threading his own journal together with string and a needle to keep it together. He has bandages around his fingertips showing how he has removed them with the razor in the previous shot. 


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