Sunday 21 February 2016

Faceless Editing: blinking effect

Faceless Editing: Blinking effect

On one of our shots, the victim of the opening scene is waking up on a POV shot with a hand-held camera and blurry focus. This was intentionally done to show the character's disorientation after being knocked out. To further show this we wanted to include a blinking effect to make it look like the character was only just waking up and to enhance the idea of a POV shot. We did this in the editing process in Final Cut Pro. 

I used the blade tool to cut the POV shot in half, where I wanted the blinking effect to appear. I then added in a blank black clip in between the two halved POV shots. The black blank clip would be the blinking. I had to use a cross fade transition and placed it over both sides of the black clip that linked to the POV shot. This made it seem like the victim was fading in and out of consciousness.

Overall, I think it came out well, as the effect's intentions of being a blinking effect is clear. The process of creating the blinking effect was simple and quick. After discovering how to do it I placed two more blinking effects in on the same POV shot. The impact of the effect was successful as it showed the character in a drowsy state and shows her to have been knocked out, this is helped by the diegetic sound of white noise in the background and makes the audience feel how the character is feeling. 

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