Monday 8 February 2016

Editing: Match on Action

There is one piece of match on action in our opening scene when the killer walks into the lair.

When we filmed it, we did it multiple times so that we could make the editing continuous and accurate. To create the match on action as Olivia walks through the door, I chose the best versions of what we filmed and put them into the right sequence. I then had to use the blade to cut one of the parts into a half so that one half could go at the beginning then I cut the second half some more to put it after the middle shot. 

Once it was all in the right place, I just kept cutting the beginning or end of the shots to ensure it flowed well. It took quite a while to get it perfect and I had to keep watching it to ensure it was right.

I think it turned out very well and is continuous. I really like how we put in the handheld camera shot of her walking in so it shows her hand opening the door as it gives the first small detail of the killer's identity.

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