Monday 8 February 2016

Editing Experiments

This is the stage after the production where all images and videos recorded are reordered into a narrative and ready to play for an audience. There are many ways that you can do editing for a production. There are many types of editing for a film, and the most common is Continuity Editing. This is where the film aims to create a sense of reality and time moving forward. Doing this editing technique for our film is the most simple to do, and obviously the one that won't confuse the audience. Sometimes having a different type of editing makes some films better, like the film 'Memento' which makes the story and plot so much more interesting by showing the film from the end to the beginning, enhancing the story telling element by filling the film with mystery and exciting the audience into the story and secrets of the film. There can be more than one type of editing in a film, as some would use jump cuts, cross cutting or flashbacks. The typical editing for a horror would use flashbacks to explain the secret behind the serial killer and the monster behind the mask, so we sympathies with him and understand why he does what he does, as there is always a hidden reason behind everything. To make a horror more interesting, we could change up the usual editing,starting it in the middle of a climactic scene and then deciding to change it abruptly with a jump cut and then a flashback to the previous scene on how this happened, and then cut the two in between.

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