Wednesday 16 December 2015

Subvert or Conform of 30 Days of Night

30 Days of Night
Subvert or Conform for the Genre of Slasher

The film Thirty Days of Night is a slasher horror, as there is plenty of gore for this film, and it has murderous vampires hunting down innocent human beings. This is seen as a conform for the slasher genre, since no matter who or what the killer is, their motive is always the same. Hunt down the innocent, and kill them for their own agenda. 

In this scene, at 1:40, there is a subvert as the character of the girl is not killed straight away. The most common theme of a slasher, is that it is a game of cat and mouse with the killer and the victim, yet, in this scene the killers have the girl trapped within a circle, with the camera panning around the closed circle as there are close ups of the vampires slowly beating the girl to death. 

A conform of this film would be the beginning of the scene, as it is most common for horror films to have a vulnerable female character who is always one of the firsts to die. This is a conform because there is always an array of characters that always appear in these types of films, and this girl is one of them. She is the type that is always scared and afraid, and has no bravery, and eventually gets herself killed due to her own selfish actions to ensure her own survival which is false hope, She screams for help in an empty street in the night, obvious that she will be killed as she is the panicking character that always becomes the damsel in distress.

A conform to this film would be the vampires, as they are depicted as how vampires should be. Tall, disgusting, bloody mouthed and sharped teeth monsters that aren't lovely to look at the the subvert 'Twilight'. This is the very image of a vampire,and is perfectly captures as a conform in 'Thirty Days of Night'. 

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