Thursday 17 December 2015

Practical: killer's mask

This mask will be reminiscent of the mask worn by The Scarecrow in Batman Begins. We think that this is effective because it is easy to make but still looks scary and makes the killer look more insane.

Things I needed:
- hessian sack
- needle and black thread
- scissors
- fake blood + water + black food colouring

To start with, I had to wear the sack over my head to get the marks for where I'd cut out the eye holes. When I took it off, I cut small slits where the marks were and pulled it to make it look ripped and messy.

Next I made a long frown-like cut slightly lower than where my mouth was and pulled parts of it again. I then used the black thread to sew up the mouth like the Scarecrow's with varying lengths of the thread for each line. When I got to the end, I went back over the lines again to make them thicker so they're easier to see.

Finally, I mixed a few drops of fake blood with a little bit of water and added black food colouring to make it darker. This would make a 'blood stain' that I spattered over the mask so it looked old, used and ultimately gorier.

I was happy with the finished product as it was easy to make and looks effective. However, it took a long time to sew the lines in, and the pictures I took make the blood stains look lighter and pinker, so I will have to make it even darker. Also, I may add more stitches scattered over the mask to be more like the Scarecrow's because it looks too new and not messy enough.

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