Wednesday 16 December 2015

Editing: Re-colouring the killer's lair

Practical Task: Re-colouring the killer's lair in editing

As we are filming at a relative of mine's garage we want the garage to look like it could be in a run down location. The exterior of the garage is painted pink. This is too much of a light, happy colour to feature in a horror/slasher opening. Although we could possibly solve this by not filming outside, if we wanted to film there the colour would have to change. I thought about changing it in the editing process and tried to find tutorials on youtube that would help. I found this one:

This tutorial shows how to change the colour of certain parts of a video clip in Final Cut Pro (the editing software which we'll be using) which could be useful in making the garage (without altering the rest of the image) a different, darker colour. 
I opened Final Cut Pro and imported a picture of the garage. Using the blade tool i cut half way through the image to create a 'before and after' 

Then using the colour correction (correction 1 tab) and used a colour mask in order to hide the pink colouring on the image. I did this by using the eye drop tool and selecting the area in which I wanted to mask. I tried hard to only select the pink areas, although couldn't quite select the areas of orange around the garage. This would require a second mask that, if I was to do again, in the editing process, I would do. This is as, I didn't quite manage to remove all of the 'light' colours from the garage exterior which wouldn't fit in with the conventions of a typical slasher that is most often featuring dark, gloomy colours.

After selecting the area in which I wanted to change the colour off I had to adjust the colour I wanted instead. Using saturation, colour and exposure. I decided I was going to go for a greyscale look to create a further dark effect

^ As you can see from the above picture, I didn't select the orange parts of the image for masking.

Before & After

I wasn't too happy with the overall look, although I did succeed in making it look darker, however it still didn't look like it would take place in a dark and isolated place, perhaps if I used different positioning and framing and remove the houses in the background and added an effect to it, it would look more suitable for a slasher film. However, this is also just a picture, I'm not too sure what would happen if I did this as a video clip and if it was still look realistic.

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