Monday 29 February 2016

Sound evaluation

The same day that we filmed in the field for the second time (21st January), we went back to my house and recorded some sounds on my piano, where there is a voice setting of 'strings'. We thought this would be ideal to make our music on because it is the usual sound made in horror films and would conform to the genre.
The first sound that we recorded was a general backing track that lasted for two minutes. At the same time as recording, we had our film opening playing on another phone so that we could see when to build up the noise to add more suspense and make it more like a horror sound track - hence why 'faceless1' is two minutes long. The second sound recorded was a short burst of one of the higher keys, still set on 'strings', so at any point where it became suspenseful or at the pivotal point in the scene we could add it.
If we were to improve next time, we would discuss exactly the sound we needed instead of playing as we went along because since recording it, we added in extra shots that don't go with the soundtrack we made. We could have also made more that were different which would then allow us to have a choice and see which were better for the scene.
Overall we worked well together and got it done quickly so we were able to add in sound the next day of editing.

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