Wednesday 24 February 2016

Peer Feedback

Once we had finished editing our opening scene the way we wanted it, we asked someone in our class to watch it and tell us what they thought would make it better.

Actor names:

We had put the names of our favourite actors into the credits, but we were told that it is very unrealistic for that many popular actors such as Hugh Jackman and Chris Hemsworth to be in a horror film because usually the actors are relatively unknown.

To fix this, we changed the names to ones we had made up instead of using real actors which looks much more conventional.


The titles throughout our opening scene are angled to fit onto certain objects, but a few at the beginning were left straight. She said that we should either make all of them straight or have them all angled as it looks odd with some straight and the rest angled.

We decided to angle all of them apart from the first one which we thought looked best straight as it is the name of the director and so is quite an important one.

Non-diegetic sound:

The soundtrack that we had out in at the time was taken from YouTube and the music didn't completely fit the genre and so we were told to find something more conventional.

We eventually found an un-copyrighted clip on YouTube that was the perfect soundtrack for the scene and is much better than the one before.

End title:
We were told that the 'Faceless' title at the end of the opening scene was too dark and quite hard to see due to the black background against the red and silver text.
To solve this, we edited the brightness and contrast to make the text more visible.

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