Wednesday 24 February 2016

Gone (2012) Lighting deconstruction

Lighting in Gone (2012):

In this scene I thought there was careful consideration of lighting uses to create an effect. As the scene is dark, it sets up the genre of thriller and as an audience, the use of the darkness, symbolizes something bad is going to happen.
The light here is shone onto the wall from the left of the character, creating shadows on the wall. There is also shots where the protagonist's shadow is reflected onto the wall behind her. Is a sinister and scary effect as the audience wonder what is creating the shadows on the wall, making it suspenseful as we wonder if someone is going to appear
As she goes into the house, thee is a high angled shot looking down at her opening the door. We can see the extreme contrast of light here as when she opens the door there is the natural day light compared to the dark eeriness of the house, further suggesting the house is dangerous and abandoned.
Lighting is also used to draw the audience's attention to something. In this screenshot the light coming through the window creates a box lighting effect on the floor, making our eyes go to it, symbolizing that whatever is there is important and we should focus on it.

The lighting used in this scene was done in a creative way in order to cause a spooky and mysterious atmosphere to draw the audience in. We could use this lighting model later on when filming our own opening scene.

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