Thursday 25 February 2016

Film typography comparison

I decided to compare our opening scene typography to those of many famous horror films. We got inspiration from various films and used fonts that not just conformed to the genre but also suited the situation of our scene.
One of the most famous horror films, Saw, used very simple writing in promotional posters however used different writing in the actual opening scene. On posters, it is bold, sans serif red writing which is very simplistic. In the opening scene, it is a thin blue serif font that is wavy to reflect the water in the opening scene. This made it harder for us to choose which ones to use for credits and which ones for the main title. 

Another example, Se7en, uses the same font for the credits as it does for the promotional poster. This is effective because it is based around a handwritten, shaky effect and is white. The other text on the screen is serif which is good as it shows the religious theme of the seven deadly sins.
In comparison, our typography and titles are loosely based around both of these. For the main title, our font is large, sans serif and the colours are red, black and white. The credits that show throughout are a font with 'spraypaint' in the title. We thought this was perfect because it looked spattered like blood, however we did it white because it suited the colouring more and stood out. It also didn't emphasise blood which suggested the fact that it's a psychological horror as well as slasher.
I think we did well with typography and choosing fonts because they seemed to be well suited to the scene and the feedback we received about the typography was all positive as everyone liked the font.

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