Wednesday 24 February 2016

Editing: Improvements on Title

Faceless Editing: Improvements on Title

Upon audience feedback after previewing our first draft of our video, our feedback suggested that the title of our piece whilst had fitting typography that fit with the gene was too dark to view on screen. Previously, when creating the text on Photoshop, I had made it with darker spots intentionally to try and fit in with the idea of a horror film including dark scenes and dark plots. However, I didn't take into account having difficulty seeing it.

We went back to the Faceless opening scene in Final Cut Pro and used the colouring tool to improve this. I moved up the brightness on brightness/contrast and used the brightness tool to make it lighter. This allowed us to see the text clearer. However moving the brightness up made the title loose contrast and the colour of the red blood in the title faded. This resulted in it looking less impactful.

To fix this I moved up the contrast to deepen the colours and darken the shadows of the title. This allowed it to still be bright as I kept the brightness of it as it was. Overall I am happy with how the title came out, as it fits with the genre and thanks to our audience feedback can now be seen clearly.

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