Tuesday 2 February 2016

Actors in Horror

Actors in Horror Films 

The cast of the first Paranormal Activity had their characters named after themselves, and was their first role in a film, and due to the film they starred in, it would be the last.
Horror films are heavily reliant on being good, just like many films, on their actors and actresses. They need actors and actresses to be good so that they can envoke the fear into the audience through the way that they behave when the camera is rolling to make it a believable experience for the audience so they too can be frightened just like the character that they are watching on screen. When you have bad actors and actresses, Paranormal Activity 5 is a perfect example. The acting is not believable and cheesy, and it does not help that the same film has been redone five times and called a sequel. When the acting in a film is cheesy and not believable, it becomes a laughing stock, and is only watched to be mocked and made fun of with friends, and not praised by critics for its style on how it capsulates the audience into being scared of what they see. At the same time, the name of the actor is also important. If an actor is new and not known by the audience, it will make the film more believable because it is made like a real thing, a true experien
ce. The actor has no fame prior to this which makes him more believable to be in a leading role in a horror because their fan base is small so there won't be any backlash from huge fans if this character played by the actor dies, but if you have a largely known actor involved in a horror film like the first Paranormal Activity; which hired unknown actors to add to the believability of the film with its found footage and convincing storyline. But with a famous actor like Brad Pitt, Robert Downey JR, and other well known names like Anne Hathaway who are Oscar winning actors who have huge fanbases then the film won't be convincing, as it is uncommon for a famous and well known actor to die in a film, let alone star in a horror which the genre itself is bland and dried out and most famous actors would go for Oscar bait films. This is why it is better for actors in a horror to be less known because the film becomes much more convincing as a true event that could transpire into the real world from the lens of a camera.
Lots of actors start out in the horror genre, like Jennifer Aniston in Leprechaun. 05_Flatbed_1 - MAY

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