Sunday 3 January 2016

Storyboard adaptations

Storyboard Adaptations

After going through the common conventions of horror/slasher films we thought that there were many ideas that were part of our storyboard that didn't fit the 'common trend' of slasher openings. 

Location change and size:
Whilst we kept most of our shots we had to take into consideration the location change from our original idea of the killers lair being in a basement to a garage as we couldn't fine a basement to film in. This would have to be reflected in our storyboard asthe size of the garage is a lot more smaller.
 This put a change in our plans as in our early drafts we had the killer always being in the room throughout the duration of the scene, out of site from the victim who woke, not realizing the killer was in the room with her. Due to the size of the garage this wouldn't work and we would have to put in new shots of the killer coming into the garage and the victim having to hide. 

Our new shot:

Killer's reveal
as well as this in our original opening we wanted the killer to be revealed at the end of the opening by taking off his mask. After class discussion we were made aware that in slasher opening scene's it is rare that the killer is revealed as it leaves the rest of the film to be a mystery. Despite this, we decided to stick to our original plan of having a low angled shot from the victim's perspective, as the shot makes the killer look powerful above the defenseless victim, but not have the killer take off his mask.

New storyboard addition: 

Dead Bodies/actors: We also planned to have a pile of dead bodies in the corner of the killer's lair to display the horrific actions of the killer who show how many people they have killed. However, it was difficult to get extra people to come and film with us as extra's so we decided just to have one dead body in the corner, Lucy from our group. In our original storyboard we had them simply just in the background of the room rather than putting the camera's attention on it. now that there is only one dead body we decided to use more close-up shots of the victim's body.

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