Sunday 3 January 2016

Soundtrack for our Opening Scene

Opening Scene Soundtrack

For our opening scene we wanted to create our own soundtrack using Olivia's electirc keyboard, but we may not be able to create the sound that we want with that so I thought it would be a good idea to look for uncopyrighted music to use. 

We need a few different tracks for the scene; one for when the victim wakes up, another for while she's looking around, when the killer walks in and a final one for when the victim is being chased. 

This youtube video is an hour of horror music which contains a large range of music that could work in certain situations in our scene. I really like the music from 24:13 to 26:26, it would be really good for the shots in the lair as it is dramatic but in a subtle way. I like the end of this section of music as it gets louder and the sense of tension increases which is what happens in the last few shots in the lair. So, I think that this music would be very good for our scene. 

The music from 1:58:00 to 2:01:00 would be really good I think, I like how there is range of different sounds and some random piano notes over the top of a creepy tune that is quite quiet. I also like the muic at the start of this video because it is quiet but also ominous, so we could use it throughout the scene to build tension without having to use loud music.

This soundtrack is quite good because the sounds are dramatic with a range of different noises in every part of the instrumental. At 11:41 it gets a bit more dramatic but it doesn't last for long. I don't think this one is good enough for our opening scene though because it doesn't really build tension in the way that we want the music to.

In conslusion, I think the first link of horror music would be best as it suits the scene more than the others do. If it isn't enough then we could layer in a few short parts of the other music and test it out to see how it sounds.

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