Wednesday 2 December 2015

Practical: Missing Posters Photoshop

Missing Posters

For our narrative story for our horror-slasher opening scene, our victims are girls that have gone missing, all from a similar location in a place called 'Redfields' where our film is set and also where the killer's lair is. As the protagonist of the opening scene looks around the room she discovers missing posters in the killers lair of the girls he has killed. In order to portray realism we decided to create posters with pictures of the girls acting in the film opening. This would allow us to do close up shots of the missing posters to help the audience understand the backstory of the killer. This will also show that this victim has been missing for some time. I used Photoshop to make them, beginning research by looking at real missing posters and mimicking them on photoshop.

From this research I discovered a lot of red colours are used in missing posters to make it stand out, with simple san serif text in black. Basic details are used such as age, height and weight as well as when they were last seen with what they wore and information on their appearance. 

I came up with a fake name for the dead character, using the actress's real details of age, weight and height to show realism in the missing poster to what is being shown on screen. I found that the information I put on the poster wasn't too clattered, but still gave enough detail in order to show it is a missing poster. I used a picture where the actress was alone, facing the camera frontwards, as if this would be in real life a picture such as this would be used to give people walking past a good idea into what they look like. In order for my poster to stand out and 'catch people's eyes' I used a bright red with white text over it saying 'Missing Person' in capitals.

This was my final Product:

 Overall I think what I created looked realistic and could be used in our own opening video effectively with lots of close-up shots of specific details of it, such as where she was last scene as well as a extreme close up of the heading 'MISSING PERSON' to create an effect of panic for the character looking at the poster before seeing the dead body of the missing girl in front of her.

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