Monday 14 December 2015

Location - Killer's Lair

Locations: Killer's Lair

In our original drafts of our idea we Ideally wanted a basement for the killer’s lair, however couldn’t access one that was nearby or was cleaned out of storage. We then began looking into garages that would have the same effect as a basement would have that is somewhere dirty, cold and isolated with stone and brick walling. More people also have garages that we could use making it easier to find a location.

A relative of mine has given us permission to use their garage that is barely used. Which is in Gravesend. Although this is quite a distance from Maidstone it would be easier access for my group as my mum can drive us up there together for filming days.

I took pictures of the garage and looked at the area. A difficulty we may encounter is that outside of the garage is painted pink, this could be a problem as we preferably want dark colours to fit with the genre of horror and slasher. As we are not allowed to paint over it in a different colour, can solve this by either not filming outside or, in the editing process, change the colouring on Final cut pro through colouring masks.

The interior is dirty with grey white wooden walling. This creates an abandoned feel to it as it isn't well kept and could be set in an isolated location. to it as  There are also shelves running along the wall that we can either move out of the way or cover up with a sheet (although that might draw too much attention to the covered up shelf in the film opening and be distracting the audience) or put it to use by putting mis-en-scene from the killer’s lair on them (ie. The heart in a jar, killer’s journal etc.)

Overall the garage is quite large but with the added storage in there, there isn't much room. We’re able to move out of the way into one corner of the garage or outside for the day of filming. This is handy as if we use a 360 degree shots, we won’t show the other half of the garage. This gives us space to put our own props in as we need enough room for a full length table to have a ‘dead body’ as well as space for the victim to investigate the room. There area also clothes that are handing down on a wash line in the garage . This could further add to the idea that this is the killer's lair where they live.

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